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SPMT : Chapter 49 – Qiu Bai Gets Married

Qiu Bai Gets Married

Qiu Family.


“Qiu Bai! Those grapes are good. I haven’t seen you bring any back lately. Why don’t you go pick a few bunches?” Qiu’s father said.


Qiu Bai frowned, slightly annoyed, “Father, they’re all sold out.”


Qiu Bai felt somewhat disgruntled. Xiao Jingting had specifically paid villagers to watch over the grapes to prevent theft, but when he went to the Xiao family to pick them twice, the villagers looked at him strangely, and he didn’t get much each time. Qiu Bai decided not to do this kind of thing anymore.


Qiu’s father envied and sighed, “Those grapes are really good. Some people in the village say that Xiao Jingting and Xu Mu’an’s ability to reach the fourth level is all because of those grapes. If your brother could eat grapes every day, he would probably advance to the third level very quickly.”


Qiu Bai rolled his eyes internally. Of course, his brother would like to eat grapes every day, but unfortunately, he couldn’t grow grapes himself!


Qiu Bai used to admire Qiu Li a lot, but seeing Xiao Jingting, whom Qiu Li used to look down upon, living prosperously while their own family remained the same, Qiu Bai couldn’t help but develop some prejudice against Qiu Li, who always looked down on others.


“If I had known, I would have let you marry Xiao Jingting. You would be living the good life now,” Qiu’s father shook his head.


Qiu Bai looked at his father and thought to herself: Father doesn’t hope for me to live a good life with Xiao Jingting; he hopes that if I marry into the Xiao family, it will help my brother. If the two families become relatives, then it would be easier for Father to ask for things from the Xiao family.


“Do you know that the Xiao family has built three new tile-roofed houses?” Qiu’s father asked.


Qiu Bai nodded, “I know.”


“It’s not cheap to build three more rooms, but for the Xiao family now, it’s not a big deal,” Qiu’s father said. “I really didn’t expect that Xiao Jingting, that spendthrift, could actually be so capable when he gets serious.”


Qiu Bai bit his lip, not saying anything. When the Xiao family was building the house, Qiu Bai went to see it. Watching Xu Mu’an arrange everything in an orderly manner, Qiu Bai couldn’t help but feel envious.


“But, no matter how capable he is now, he’s just a farmer. He can’t compare to the young masters of big families. I asked Xiao Jingting about it. He’s not willing to marry you, but Li Yuanwai’s son in town wants a wife. He has seen you and is very interested. It would be better for you to marry into the Li family,” Qiu’s father said.


Qiu Bai frowned, “Father, you haven’t even asked me, and you’ve decided on my lifelong matter!”


Qiu’s father said impatiently, “Can I harm you? If that Xiao Jingting had any interest in you, I would also consider him. But he is indifferent to you now. Do you want to throw yourself at him when he’s cold to you? The Li family is doing big business in town. If you marry into the Li family, you’ll have a good life.”


Qiu Bai nodded, “I understand, Father. I’ll marry into the Li family.”


The villagers naturally yearned for wealthy families. Qiu Bai had always wanted to marry into a wealthy family, but seeing Xiao Jingting living well recently made him hesitate a bit.


Xiao’s family.


“Second brother, have you decided what betrothal gift to give to Mu Shuyu?” Xiao Jingting asked.


Previously, Xiao Jinfeng had been impoverished after being poisoned. During this time, Xiao Jinfeng had earned several hundred taels of silver by killing demon beasts, but expenses were also high. Although he had saved some money, it wasn’t much.


“There’s a level four Wind Chasing Beast in the forest. If I kill that demon beast and give it to Shuyu, he will definitely be happy,” Xiao Jinfeng said.


According to what Xiao Jingting knew, Wind Chasing Beasts were very fast. They had a single horn on their heads, which, when used medicinally, could increase the speed of absorbing spiritual energy.


Xiao Jingting frowned, “Second brother, Wind Chasing Beasts are not easy to deal with!”


Xiao Jinfeng smiled, “Don’t worry. I’ve dealt with level five demon beasts before, so a level four one is nothing. Besides, Mu’an promised to help me. Mu’an is also at the fourth level now, so with his help, it should be much safer.”


“Count me in,” Xiao Jingting said eagerly.


Xiao Jinfeng nodded, “Alright! Third brother, you can assist from the side. There’s no need for you to rush to the front.”


Xiao Jingting: … Did Xiao Jinfeng not trust his abilities?


“Second brother, it must have been tough for you when you were in the mercenary group,” Xiao Jingting said.


When Xiao Jinfeng first joined the mercenary group, he was only at the third level of Qi cultivation. Xiao Jingting admired Xiao Jinfeng’s courage.


If it had been Xiao Qingyan joining the mercenary group, the original owner’s parents would definitely not have agreed. The mortality rate in the mercenary group was very high, as it was a matter of life and death. However, since it was Xiao Jinfeng who joined, the original owner’s parents tacitly agreed to Xiao Jinfeng’s choice, saying something about honing one’s character.


“At that time, there was an old captain who took good care of me,” Xiao Jinfeng said.


In fact, after rolling around in the mercenary group for a few years, Xiao Jinfeng could have stood on his own. Other mercenary groups also wanted to recruit him and offered him a lot of benefits, but Xiao Jinfeng had been reluctant to leave because of the old captain’s kindness.


Xiao Jinfeng closed his eyes and chuckled coldly. He realized he had been a bit foolish. He couldn’t let go of the mercenary group, but the mercenary group could let go of him.


Xiao Jingting patted Xiao Jinfeng’s hand, “Second brother, from now on, you can only hunt with me. Don’t find me a nuisance!”


“I heard from Mu’an that your combat skills aren’t very good, and you’re also quite wasteful. You need to work harder!” Xiao Jinfeng said.


Xiao Jingting laughed awkwardly, “Mu’an is just badmouthing me. After all, I’m still a novice.”


“Oh, by the way, I saw an old man looking for you yesterday. It seemed like you had a conflict. What did you say to each other?” Xiao Jinfeng asked.


Xiao Jingting rolled his eyes, feeling somewhat annoyed. “That was Qiu Bai’s father. He wanted me to break up with Mu’an and marry his son.”


Xiao Jinfeng was stunned for a moment, “Really? Is that old man out of his mind?”


“I did some ridiculous things before, but I’ve figured it out now. Second brother, don’t tell Mu’an about this,” Xiao Jingting said.


Xiao Jinfeng Nodded, “I see.”


Xiao Jingting shrugged, “That old man said his son is about to marry into a wealthy family. If I’m willing to break up with Mu’an, he can consider me. Since I’m not willing, he won’t consider me anymore.”


Xiao Jinfeng: “… Is that old man out of his mind?”


Xiao Jingting shrugged, “Who knows.”


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